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New Hampshire Nonprofit Policy News

Municipal Approvals for Charitable Gaming Bill Dies Despite moving through the House and Senate, the conferees could not resolve final amendments on...

Center Requests Veto on Nonprofit Property Rights Issue

The NH Center for Nonprofits has requested that Governor Sununu veto HB 1336, passed by the House and Senate. The legislation would block nonprofits...

Municipal Approvals for Charitable Gaming

The Senate has passed HB 1223, which creates a new local option for host communities on whether to host games of chance operations. The bill, as...

Host Municipalities Eligible for Charitable Gaming

Governor Sununu signed SB 472 into law on May 20, opening up charitable gaming to host municipalities if there is not a waiting list for charities...

Divisive Concepts Law Found Unconstitutional

A federal court found New Hampshire’s “divisive concepts” law unconstitutional on May 28. The US District Court’s opinion found that the prohibition...

Nonprofit Property Rights Challenged by a Firearms Bill

The House and Senate have passed HB 1336. The legislation would block nonprofits employers who receive any public funding from banning employees'...

Federal News: OMB’s Uniform Guidance Update

The federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has finalized reforms to the Uniform Guidance, the regulations that govern most federal grantmaking...

Federal News: New Overtime Rule

The US Department of Labor (DOL) has released its Overtime Final Rule. The final rule increases the minimum salary level for exempt employees...

Historic Horse Racing Moratorium and Host Municipality Gaming

The House Ways and Means Committee has recommended that SB 472 ought to pass. The proposal extends the moratorium for Historic Horse Racing (HHR)...

Charitable Gaming Rent Repeal Signed into Law

Governor Sununu signed HB 1203 into law on April 16, ending the charging of rents by gaming operators to the sponsoring charities. "By signing this...

No Restoration of the Non-Itemizer Charitable Deduction

No clear path has emerged for passage of a bipartisan tax bill, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act (HR 7024). The bill that passed...

Interstate Compact for Social Work Licensure Passes in the Senate

The Senate has passed SB 318 that would add New Hampshire to the interstate licensure compact for Social Workers. The compact is designed to: increase...