Center Requests Veto on Nonprofit Property Rights Issue

The NH Center for Nonprofits has requested that Governor Sununu veto HB 1336, passed by the House and Senate. The legislation would block nonprofits employers who receive any public funding from banning employees' storage of firearms or ammunition in their locked vehicles, and prohibit all employers from inquiring into or searching for firearms or ammunition in the locked vehicles. The bill was opposed by Waypoint, Bi-State Primary Care Association, and the NH Hospital Association.

In a letter to the Governor, CEO Kathleen Reardon said, “...the NH Center for Nonprofits must bring to your attention our deep concern regarding the erosion of nonprofit property rights should HB 1336 become law.” In addition Ms. Reardon noted, “New Hampshire’s nonprofit sector includes childcare centers, domestic violence shelters, family stability organizations and others who may prefer to regulate a campus firearms policy for their employees… We ask that you veto HB 1336 in order to sustain the policies we now have in place so that nonprofits can retain their property rights and their freedom to implement employee policies that best suit their respective situations.”

Nonprofit leaders concerned with the bill passed by the House and Senate are encouraged to connect with the Governor’s office this week to request a veto.