2022 Nonprofit Wage & Benefit Report Released
The NH Center for Nonprofits recently released the 2022 Report on Nonprofit Wages & Benefits in Northern New England – NH Edition. This year’s survey, conducted between May and July, was revised to include questions related to gender, race and diversity, equity and inclusion.
“Hiring and retaining talent is a top concern for nonprofit organizations,” said Kathleen Reardon, Chief Executive Officer for the NH Center for Nonprofits. “More than half of the nonprofits responding to our survey expect to increase staffing in the coming year. This report provides valuable information for nonprofit board and executive leaders to evaluate their compensation practices.”
The benchmark hourly wage of 27 job titles increased 8.8% to $28.62. The average Executive Director’s salary is $102,000 which is an increase of 2.4% over 2020. Female Executive Directors continue to outnumber males, especially in the nonprofits with smaller budgets, but earn 98 cents to every dollar earned by their male counterparts.
Nonprofits employ 1 out of every 7 workers in NH, which exceeds nearly all other occupational groups. New Hampshire nonprofits participating in the survey employ 4,519 full-time and 2,908 part-time positions and paying aggregate wages of more than $271 million. Of the nonprofits surveyed, 55% anticipated increasing their staffing levels through 2021. This is up from 24% from the previous survey.
Benefits as a percentage of wages decreased one percentage points to 19%. Group health insurance remains the most frequently offered benefit, with 78% of organizations offering a group health plan. However, only 14% of small nonprofits (budgets under $500,000) are able to offer group health insurance.
The survey was conducted in collaboration with the UNH Survey Center, Maine Association of Nonprofits, and Common Good Vermont.
The full report includes details of wages and benefits practices, broken down by organization budget size, geography, and mission type. Members of the Center who participated in the survey were sent information about obtaining their free copy via email.