March 31, 2025
Deadline Approaching

Representative Chris Pappas' Office Opens Portal for FY2026 Community Project Funding Requests

Offices of Representative Chris Pappas

Congressman Pappas’s Office is now accepting requests for FY 2026 Community Project Funding.

As of now, our office is waiting for House leadership and the Appropriations Committee to release the guidance for community project funding Fiscal Year 2026 (FY 2026). Rep. Pappas is a strong advocate for community project funding, however, House leadership may choose to stop allowing Members of Congress to submit projects through this process.

While we await final guidance our office is accepting requests until March 31, 2025. You can read more about the process and make your requests here.

FY 2025 Requests

Congress continues to work on completing FY 2025 spending bills and Congressman Pappas is strongly advocating for CPF projects to be included in a final package. If your project was included in FY 2025 (see here) you do not need to make that request again for FY 2026.


Q: What is Community Project Funding?
A: Community Project Funding (also known as Congressionally Directed Spending or earmarks) are requests by Members of Congress to provide specific, one-time funding to a municipality or organization meeting requirements outlined under federal law. Projects receiving funding typically have a clear purpose and goal beyond normal operating activities for which traditional funding is not available.

Q: Is there a deadline for submitting my request?
A: The deadline for requests is March 31, 2025.

Q: What happens after I submit my request?
A: Congressman Pappas’s office will review your request and determine if further information is needed and if your request meets the guidelines laid out by the House Appropriations Committee.

Q: Should I submit my request to other Congressional Offices?
A: Our office strongly recommends you submit your project to all of your federal representatives.

Q: Are there limits on what I can request funding for?
A: Yes. The programs providing funding for these requests have restrictions and guidelines on how these funds can be used. Generally speaking, Community Project Funding cannot be used for debt services, operating costs or salary, reimbursement of costs already incurred, or for projects that do not have community support.

Q: Can I request Community Project Funding for a multi-year project?
A: No. Community Project Funding is a one-time appropriation of funds that must be allocated within a one-year timeframe. If you have a multi-phase project that will take years to complete you can request funding for a specific portion of your project.

Q: If my project is selected will I receive the full amount I requested? And when will I receive it?
A: Congressman Pappas and his office will diligently work to include your project in the relevant appropriations bills but there is no guarantee the request will be funded at the requested level. Typically funds have been made available the calendar year following the request.

Q: Can I submit multiple projects for consideration?
A: Yes, but it is highly unlikely you will have multiple requests funded. If you do make multiple requests, please be prepared to rank in terms of priority.

Q: I have received Community Project Funding in previous years through Congressman Pappas’s Office. Can I apply again?
A: Yes. All requests will be given consideration.