Foundation for Seacoast Health 2024 Strategic Grants
The Foundation for Seacoast Health is pleased to announce their 2024 strategic grant cycle. This year, they are seeking proposals that specifically focus on improving the mental health and well-being of youth and young adults.
For this grant, youth and young adults are defined as 12-25 years old. Based, in part, on the work of the Search Institute on developmental assets we believe our community should provide the experiences, opportunities, and relationships that youth need to build resiliency and thrive.
Proposals must address one or more of the following:
- Elevate and empower youth/young adult voices and self-esteem.
- Reduce, remove or mitigate the impact of social media.
- Support the importance of the “trusted adult” and/or improve & facilitate parent-child communication.
- Reduce stigma in how we talk about mental health and access services.
In addition, proposals that reach at-risk or marginalized individuals and those that counteract the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) will be given top priority.
They expect to award up to $400,000 during this grant cycle. The maximum request is $75,000 and in many cases these grants will be considered multi-year. Organizations are encouraged to apply for new or existing programs.
All prospective grantees will be required to speak to the CEO about their program/initiative prior to receiving a link to the application.
This will help to ensure that the proposal meets the goals of the grant cycle. We encourage applicants to submit their ideas early in the cycle.
The deadline for proposals is September 6, 2024.