March 10, 2025
Champions in Action: Champions for Building Employment Pathways for Diverse Abilities
Citizens announced their 2025 Champions in Action grant focus: Champions for Building Employment Pathways for Diverse Abilities
The Champions in Action award for Building Employment Pathways for Diverse Abilities will recognize a nonprofit organization that:
- Provides career training, job placement, mentorship and/or workplace accommodations tailored to individuals with diverse abilities.
- Creates inclusive, supportive pathways to employment that leverages the strengths of individuals with diverse abilities.
- Establishes partnerships with employers to develop inclusive hiring practices.
Applications due March 10, 2025
Eligibility requirements include:
- Be a nonprofit organization based in Eastern or Western Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York City, Rhode Island, San Francisco or Florida that addresses a specific social concern (topics announced biannually).
- Be able to provide 1 – 2 volunteer projects, including at least one skills-based volunteer project, for Citizens colleagues to engage in.
- Have a total operating budget between $250,000 - $5 million
- Previous Champions in Action may reapply after five years have lapsed.