Tiffany Thibodeau
Tiffany Thibodeau Consulting
Tiffany faces the camera smiling. She is standing in front green foliage.
Phone Number
Work Address

PO Box 9
Worthington, MA 01098
United States

Regions Served
Consultant Category
Communications & Marketing
Consultant Tags
Communications / Marketing Planning & Strategy
Email Marketing
Grant Writing - Federal Grants
Grant Writing - Philanthropic Grants

Tiffany Thibodeau is a grants and communications consultant specializing in education and youth development. She helps busy nonprofit leaders by managing the pre-award grant process (grant research, grant writing, and strategy) helping to secure over $1.1 million in grant funds and by developing constituents communications through email, profiles, and more. She partners with mission-driven organizations in environmental education, STEM/STEAM education, college access and career readiness, literacy, and youth workforce development to name a few. Tiffany is a member of the Grant Professionals Association, the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network, the Children & Nature Network, and holds an M.S. in Childhood Education and a B.A. in Communication from Russell Sage College.

Worthington Library
Reference Name
Leona Arthen
Worthington, MA, 01098
Description of Work Done
Tiffany Thibodeau Consulting developed a marketing strategy for the library to promote resources and programs, including development of a monthly email newsletter.
National Youth Employment Coalition
Reference Name
Dr. Mary Ann (Mimi) Haley
Washington, DC, 20005
Description of Work Done
Tiffany Thibodeau Consulting worked with NYEC to increase their grant seeking capacity, including developing a grant calendar to track aligned funding opportunities, and applying to philanthropic and government grant programs.