I have served in Interim Executive, Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer, Board member and Board Chair roles, in mid-size and small organizations. These roles span the social service, child welfare, health care and mental health sectors.You can review details of my background at linkedin.com/in/snschaffer. My colleagues at IES(see below) are experienced interims in housing, community action, cultural, environmental and religious organizations as well as foundations. The primary role of an Interim Executive Director is to work with the Board and staff to prepare for a new leader, and to support an effective transition to new permanent leadership. Interim Executive Solutions(IES) has one focus- executive leadership transition. We do this by serving as an interim executive or consulting to the transition process. An interim executive must be a leader with strong leadership, management and relational skills. Since a Board may wish to address financial, human resource, programatic, resource development, governance or risk management issues before recruiting a permanent leader, the interim must have skills to do a rapid but thorough organizational assessment. We provide a detailed written assessment to the Board within the first month of the engagement. Interim leadership allows the Board to conduct a patient, thorough search for a permanent leader. An interim may provide the Board the opportunity to gain further insight into organizational needs; can work with the board to identify the most crucial skills and experience required in a permanent leader; and can support the staff through what is always an uncertain transition for them. I and my colleagues are passionate about the importance of local and regional nonprofits to their communties and we never lose sight of that during our tenure.