Peter Gosline
PLG Healthcare Consulting
Peter Gosline
Phone Number
Work Address

32B Kennedy Road
Gloucester, MA 01930
United States

Regions Served
Consultant Category
Consultant Tags
Board Governance / Development
Board Governance Training
Board Self-Assessment Questionnaire Analysis / Presentation
Business Plan Development
Collaborations & Mergers
Communications / Marketing Planning & Strategy
Conflict Resolution / Mediation
Contract Management / Bidding Process
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Employee / Supervisory Training
Executive Coaching
Executive Search
Executive Transitions & Search
Facility Management & Planning
Financial Analysis & Planning
Financial Management
Individual Giving / Major Gifts
Interim Directorship
Leadership Training & Development
Managing Change
Meeting Facilitation
Organizational Assessments
Performance Management
Public Policy Development & Strategy
Space / Facilities Planning
Strategic & Organizational Planning & Development
Strategic Planning
Succession / Transition Planning
Team Building

Peter L Gosline is President of PLG Healthcare Consulting, serving hospitals and healthcare organizations, providing executive and team coaching, interim management, strategic planning, and other consulting services. Over his 30+ year career, he has served in a variety of roles including 18 years as CEO of 2 New Hampshire based critical access hospitals, 10 years as a healthcare consultant, and 4 years as an executive coach. He has authored articles, participated as a speaker in regional, state, and national conferences, and volunteered on multiple advisory committees and boards of charitable organizations. 


North Country Healthcare
Reference Name
Tom Mee (CEO, North Country Healthcare)
Whitefield, NH
Description of Work Done
I had the opportunity to provide individual and team coaching services to members of senior leadership for North Country Healthcare. Team coaching services were provided over a period of 6 months. In addition, I was asked to facilitate a series of meetings with members of the executive committees of the boards from participant organizations.
Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital
Reference Name
Greg Placy (former Board Chair, Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital)
Colebrook, NH
Description of Work Done
During the period 2014-2016, I served as Interim CEO of Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital, reporting to Greg Placy, Board Chair.