Michael Bruss
Bruss Project Management
Phone Number
Work Address

17 Springfield Street
Concord, NH 03301
United States

Regions Served
Consultant Category
Consultant Tags
Capital Planning & Budgeting

Michael was the founder and president of Bruss Construction Inc. and Integrated Building Energy Associates. Michael’s passion and drive focuses on sustainability and resilience in the built environment. He has worked extensively on preservation and adaptive reuse projects respecting our architectural heritage and recognizing that the best way to preserve a building is to make it relevant in the 21st century. 

Every project has its own set of challenges, its own unique cast of characters and its own opportunities for success or failure. A key role of the Construction Project Management Consultant is to provide a positive influence on the dynamic tension that is inherent in undertakings involving multiple stakeholders. The Consultant must work with the Design Team, Owner and the various project stakeholders to identify the challenges, facilitate solutions, and maintain focus on the project objectives.

With over 35 years of experience in Project development and management with a diverse group of building and design projects, Michael brings unmatched collaboration, innovation, and craftsmanship to every project that he is involved with. 

Southeast Land Trust
Reference Name
Brian Hart
Epping, NH
Description of Work Done
Owner's Project Management services for a new net-zero headquarters.
Northern Forest Center
Reference Name
Julie Renaud Evans
Description of Work Done
Owner's project management services for the complete renovation of a historic downtown building in Lancaster, NH