Lara Quiroga
Larksparre Consulting LLC
Head shot of Lara Quiroga
Phone Number
Work Address

7 Constant Street
Manchester, NH 03103
United States

Regions Served
Consultant Category
Consultant Tags
Board Governance / Development
Board Governance Training
Board Self-Assessment Questionnaire Analysis / Presentation
Employee / Supervisory Training
Grant Writing - Federal Grants
Grant Writing - Philanthropic Grants
Leadership Training & Development
Meeting Facilitation
Organizational Assessments
Performance Management
Strategic & Organizational Planning & Development
Strategic Planning
Succession / Transition Planning

Lara creates a customized approach to meeting your organization’s needs. Lara has worked in the nonprofit and higher education sectors for more than 25 years. She been a consultant and trainer for more than a decade. Lara’s background gives her a unique perspective on each consulting engagement she leads, and her attention to detail is second to none. Lara’s approach to consulting seeks to make it easy (a lark) for you while serving as a bolster (sparre) for your organization. Each organization is unique. From small grants to large strategic plans, all services are designed with your unique needs in mind. Services available include strategic planning, grant writing, Board development, and project management.

NH Council for Thriving Children
Reference Name
Christina Lachance
Concord, NH
Description of Work Done
Create a crosswalk of NH’s Strategic Plan for Early Childhood and current plans/initiatives impacting the lives of young children and their families, and develop recommendations based on the analysis of the crosswalk. Available at
Elliot Hospital
Reference Name
Kelli Rafferty
Manchester, NH
Description of Work Done
Provide project management for a federal grant award, including semi-annual reporting, policy/procedure development, meeting facilitation, workflow development, and completion of federal forms.