Kathleen Mackin
Kathleen Mackin Consulting
Kathleen Mackin
Phone Number
Work Address

55 Glengarry Drive
Stratham, NH 03885
United States

Consultant Tags
Program Evaluation

I am a New Hampshire resident who brings over twenty-five years of experience serving state and local educational and non-profit communities as a researcher and evaluator. I have collaborated with multiple clients in New Hampshire in conducting program and project evaluations, including the New Hampshire Department of Education, Granite State College, University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV), the Adult Learning Center of Nashua, and the Upper Room. Some of my expertise and key strengths include: Evaluation planning, implementation, and management, Logic model design and project mapping, Instrument design (e.g. surveys, interviews, focus group questions, performance-based tests, and observations), Data collection methods, Data analysis, Report writing, and Sustainability planning.

Adult Learning Center, Nashua
Reference Name
Mary Jordan
Merrimack, NH
Description of Work Done
I conducted the evaluation of the ESL program for the Nashua Adult Learning Center. As part of the evaluation, I designed all data collection methods and conducted surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations. In addition, I collected and analyzed all data and wrote reports documenting success and providing recommendations. I also engaged staff in data-driven decision making and discussed program changes based on results of the evaluation. This in-depth evaluation provided the Adult Learning Center with critical information that was used to document success and apply for additional funding to support high-priority program needs.
The Upper Room
Reference Name
Brenda Guggisberg
603-437-8477 ext. 11
Derry, NH
Description of Work Done
I conducted a validation study of the parenting curriculum used by the Upper Room as part of their collaboration with the E3 Teen Parenting Program managed by the NH Department of Education. This three-year program was conducted with grant funding from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Adolescent Health (OAH). I worked with The Upper Room staff and outside experts to review the curriculum and make any changes necessary to comply with the OAH requirements. This curriculum was used successfully with over 200 young parents throughout the state during the grant-funded period and received very positive ratings from parents involved in the program.